درباره ما

باران تجارت پاسارگاد ,شرکت, ام دی اف,هایگلاس, پلی لاک,واریو,چوب ,پلی لاک,ام دی اف ,باران تجارت,گروه صنعتی باران تجارت پاسارگاد,کابینت آشپزخانه ,بهترین قیمت هایگلاس ایرانی,هایگلاس واریو,پلی لاک واریو,ورق ام دی اف,پارکت,پارکت چوبی,پارکت واریو,ورق ملامینه,نمایشگاه چوب,یلدیز,رویه درب,نصب پارکت کمد دیواری,pet,pvc,mdf,hdf,high gloss,poly lac,wario board,صنعت چوب,هایگلاس ترک,هایگلاس ایرانی,هایگلاس خارجی,چوبی,کابینت قیمت مناسب





Company History

The grandfathers of the present owners of the company started their activities in the field of lumber production and wooden doors in a traditional way in the year 1949.

71 years of continuous efforts as well as valuable experiences & experimental works of two generations were the main fundamental basis for the launch of the company called Baran Tejarat Pasargad ind. qroup in 2006 while having an aimful look into the future.

The company has always tried to its best to open a new perspective of amazing colors and designs inspired from nature, while enjoying the most modern European production lines and equipment and highest quality raw materials mainly from Europe. Now and after years of experience with a variety of products, Baran Tejarat has a very active presence in Iran wood industry.

It is hoped that the company can take a big step forward to better the lifestyle of the good people of this country, with the help of upgraded systems, technologies & raw materials while taking much care of the environment.